That was up from a $6.82 million loss in the year-ago period. Rennis desk is empty, but Renni still knows their secrets is still pulling their strings. The Los Angeles Times is a newspaper publisher. In a May 10 filing with the Securities Exchange Commission, The Times reported that the segment had posted a $7.78 million loss in the first quarter of 2023. Los Angeles Times Company Profile, Marketing Contacts, Media Spend, Brands. The Athletic is still an unprofitable enterprise. The editorial board opines on the important issues of the day. The petitioners got their answer this morning. The Los Angeles Times editorial board determines the editorial positions of the organization. “We have watched the company buy a competitor with hundreds of sportswriters and weigh decisions about the future of sports coverage at The Times without, in many instances, so much as a courtesy call, let alone any solicitation of our expertise.” “For 18 months, The New York Times has left its sports staff twisting in the wind,” members of the sports desk wrote Sunday in a letter to Sulzberger and executive editor Joseph Kahn. Got a confidential news tip Do you have the next big story Want to share it with The New York Times We offer several ways to get in touch with and. The demise of the sports desk, which is comprised of nearly 40 reporters and editors, was announced the day after the department petitioned the paper’s higher-ups for clarity on the situation. Whether the paper will offer buyouts to journalists who don’t wish to work new beats outside of sports remains to be seen the top editors are said to be looking at a transition plan which will re-seed many of the displaced reporters in other sections, such as business and tech. While the shuttering of the department will have lasting implications for the paper’s sports coverage, Kahn and Drake assured staffers that those impacted by the decision would be offered other posts within the newsroom.